One of Stephen Covey’s seven habits of highly effective people is to “begin with the end in mind.” This concept applies to highly effective people and highly effective engineering. For a project to stay on time and under budget throughout its life cycle, you’ve got to plan for it from the start. That’s where B&W Energy Services’ engineering services come in.
Investing in the planning of projects on the front end can significantly reduce a project’s cost and timeline by identifying potential roadblocks before they occur. At B&W Energy Services, we rely on decades of project engineering experience to help you smoothly transition from construction to pre-commissioning and beyond.
There’s a reason that “better engineering” is a part of our company’s tagline. Our comprehensive engineering packages integrate your standards, specifications and regulations with expert planning procedures. Our engineering process ensures your project is designed with safety, budget, timeline, equipment and resource requirements, piping design, acceptance parameters, hazard analysis and job execution in mind from the beginning.
We work alongside you to tailor your engineering package to your needs and make sure your project is executed smoothly from start to finish. B&W Energy Services offers comprehensive engineering services for oil and gas, petrochemical, power and renewable projects. Our extensive experience and proven track record with projects across all energy sectors have garnered B&W a reputation as an industry leader worldwide.
To learn about some of B&W’s engineering projects, click below.
Save money at the start of your project — you’ll thank yourself later. Ensuring the planning and engineering are completed correctly early on can save projects millions of dollars. More and more project owners and EPC contractors are bringing in our team well before construction to gain maximum benefit. Contact us today to see how B&W can impact your project!