B&W Energy Services is a full-fledged AquaLazing service provider to projects all across the globe, and our goal is to be the premier AquaLazing company in the world.
B&W Energy Services has developed the most advanced AquaLazing equipment available, based on sound engineering practices and years of experience managing and performing AquaLazing work. At the heart of the AquaLazing process is a robust high pressure (15,000 psi) diesel driven pump. The high pressure pump unit is fully enclosed in a 78dB rated noise suppressing container, allowing for minimal disruption to surrounding work activities.
AquaLazing can be used as a primary method for cleaning or in conjunction with other B&W Energy Services pre-commissioning cleaning services, such as Steam Blowing and Air Blowing, to help reduce overall cleaning times and associated costs. In many cases, AquaLazing can also be applied to piping systems typically requiring Chemical Cleaning to achieve the same cleanliness level, at reduced costs and zero environmental impact. Additionally, on projects where high quality water availability and environmental regulations present clients with a unique challenge for pre-commissioning cleaning, B&W Energy Services help mitigate these problems by offering additional services to supplement the AquaLazing process.
We have seen a number of major projects look to B&W for AquaLazing services because they know we bring a level of quality, performance and efficiency that is unmatched in the industry. That’s why at B&W Energy Services, we say we have “Better People. Better Equipment. Better Engineering.”
Click here to learn more about AquaLazing services from B&W Energy Services