A piping system is typically designed for operation—not cleaning—and it takes practical engineering to ensure a successful cleaning. The sheer magnitude of the pre-commissioning planning phase is often underestimated and detailed procedures get overlooked. Owners are often late to recognize the complexities involved in cleaning and the importance of properly planning these events. It’s never favorable to lose millions of dollars due to a lack of foresight or a misguided prioritization of your project. If you don’t have the proper engineering to analyze and review how a system is designed, you can’t have an effective planning process. A well designed cleaning matrix and effective plan can save a project millions of dollars—and that is always favorable.
We’re talking about the complexity of big projects here, the ones with hundreds of systems going from one unit to another. If you only look at one unit at a time, the system can’t be treated as a whole. Without envisioning the project as a whole it is treated as an isolated, unit bound system—when in actuality the system boundaries and contractual boundaries from owner to owner (or EPC to EPC) present great challenges for consistency in cleaning. You risk these systems being cleaned to different standards. You effectively end up with a piecemeal approach to an intricate task that requires vision.
For a project of this size to be successful you can’t walk onto the job with general plans. It takes time to design these systems. It takes time to properly plan these systems. If you’re not thinking ahead, you’re behind. And you’re needlessly increasing your costs and causing delays to overall project schedule. To avoid these unnecessary costs and delays, understand that big projects take expert planning and engineering. B&W Energy Services is the only company in the industry with the experience and top-notch engineers to properly handle a job of this size. Bring us on early and we’ll evaluate the best approach for each unique system, applying different techniques and different technologies where appropriate. Review the list of our services and ask us how we’ll perform better than any competitor—the sooner the better.